Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Ninth Grade Honors Reminders 9.11.12

On Monday, 9/10, you were to write the essay for the following topic during class:

“In much the same way as many of our books and movies depict the Hero’s Journey in some way, so too are most stories told using recognizable archetypes.  With so many of our stories following these patterns, how do we avoid becoming bored with what is, essentially, the same story told over and over again?  Provide specific archetypes from films and books to support your assertions.”

You were supposed to finish the essay during class, and a couple of people turned it in.  If you did not finish it, you were to finish it for homework.  If you have still not finished the essay, you may turn it in tomorrow (9/12) with a ten-point penalty.

Today in class we worked on a mythology pair/share project with a randomly assigned partner.  The pair/share presentations will begin on Friday (9/14) and continue on Monday (9/17) if we need the time.

On Thursday, 9/13, we will be attending a leadership assembly in the gym.  You need to report to class first, and then we will go to the gym together and sit together (so that I can keep track of your attendance).  

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