Thursday, October 11, 2012

10.11.12 Reminders Ninth Grade

Today in class you completed a writing assignment on the two short stories we read in class, "The Cask of Amontillado" and "Checkouts."  You can choose from two different topics.  You may complete both for extra credit.  Here are the topics.

Cask of Amontillado” or “Checkouts” Writing Assignment.  


•“Cask of Amontillado”
–Write the story from Fortunado’s point of view.  Use your creativity to fill in details such as: what he did to offend Montresor, what he was thinking as they went deeper into the vaults, etc.  ½ page, minimum.
–Write a diary entry from the point of view of either the boy or the girl in the story.  Use your creativity to fill in details such as: how passionate he/she was about the other, how he/she felt when seeing the other, how he/she feels about their current relationship. ½ page, minimum.

10.11.12 Reminders 10th Grade 5th Period

We have started our unit about the Holocaust.  We watched Schindler's List together, and yesterday you wrote a short essay (3 paragraphs, minimum) on the following topic:

Ervin Straub stated that “Hero’s evolve; they aren’t born.”  Did Oskar Schindler become a hero over the course of his life?  Why or why not?  Support your analysis with specific examples from the film.

Today you took notes on the Holocaust and on Elie Wiesel, the author of the next book we will be reading, Night.  You wrote two paragraphs on the following topic:

"Indifference of evil is worse than evil."

  • What does this quote mean to you?
  • What does it mean to Elie Wiesel?
  • What happens when good people see evil happen and do nothing?
  • It means…..
  • This quote  by Elie Wiesel means…..
  • I think Elie Wiesel  says  this because….
  • When good people watch evil happen and refuse to get involved . . .

If you have not yet turned in your Of Mice and Men study questions, you need to get them turned in to me as soon as possible.  You will receive a penalty for the work being late, but it will still help you to avoid having the zero on a test grade.

10.11.12 Reminders 10th Grade Periods 1, 3, 6

We have spent most of the week working to finish reading Cry, the Beloved Country.  We should finish reading the book tomorrow.  Once we are finished with the novel, I plan to assign you the following writing assessment.  You may use your completed study questions to assist you as you write the essay.

Cry, the Beloved Country contrasts the rural and urban ways of life. How do the world of Johannesburg and the world of Ndotsheni differ? Does one place seem to be more just than the other? Does one place seem more likely to produce a just South Africa?

The essay is scheduled for Monday, 10.15.12.  It must be a minimum of three paragraphs and include a plan.

The study questions will be due on the following day, 10.16.12.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

10.2.12 Reminders Ninth Grade

Today in class you completed your final essay for The Odyssey.

The topic is below.

Like most epic heroes, Odysseus displays both positive and negative characteristics.  Write a well-developed essay (minimum 3 paragraphs) about Odysseus's character, arguing that he is either admirable or not.  You must take a stand on this issue; you may not attempt to argue that he is both (even if you feel that he is).  After you make a clear statement about his character, identify 3 of Odysseus's character traits to support your argument and fully develop each trait with specific details from the text.

The essay is due at the beginning of class tomorrow.

Monday, October 1, 2012

10.1.12 Reminders Ninth Grade

Today we analyzed and discussed the poem "Penelope" together as a class.  We also listened to the song "The Cave" and studied the picture "The Escape from Polyphemus."

Tomorrow you will be writing your final essay about The Odyssey.  You do not have homework tonight.

10.1.12 Reminders 10th Grade Period 5

Today we read through the middle of chapter 10 in Cry, the Beloved Country.  Make sure you are keeping up with your study questions.

You do not have homework for tonight.

10.1.12 Reminders 10th Grade Periods 1, 3, and 6

Today we finished reading through chapter 12 in Cry, the Beloved Country.  Make sure you have your study questions complete through #28.  We will be working with the book for the next week or so.

You did not have homework for tonight.
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