Thursday, October 11, 2012

10.11.12 Reminders 10th Grade 5th Period

We have started our unit about the Holocaust.  We watched Schindler's List together, and yesterday you wrote a short essay (3 paragraphs, minimum) on the following topic:

Ervin Straub stated that “Hero’s evolve; they aren’t born.”  Did Oskar Schindler become a hero over the course of his life?  Why or why not?  Support your analysis with specific examples from the film.

Today you took notes on the Holocaust and on Elie Wiesel, the author of the next book we will be reading, Night.  You wrote two paragraphs on the following topic:

"Indifference of evil is worse than evil."

  • What does this quote mean to you?
  • What does it mean to Elie Wiesel?
  • What happens when good people see evil happen and do nothing?
  • It means…..
  • This quote  by Elie Wiesel means…..
  • I think Elie Wiesel  says  this because….
  • When good people watch evil happen and refuse to get involved . . .

If you have not yet turned in your Of Mice and Men study questions, you need to get them turned in to me as soon as possible.  You will receive a penalty for the work being late, but it will still help you to avoid having the zero on a test grade.

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