Wednesday, September 26, 2012

9.26.12 Reminders 10th Grade

Today in class you continued working with the list of apartheid laws and answering questions for five that you selected from the handout.  You can find the electronic version of the handout here.

For each of the five practices that you select, answer:
  • Why was this practice unjust?  
  • Why do you think the practice was in place?
  • What were the penalties for violating this practice? (Put n/a if the penalty is not provided.)
  • How would your life be different if this policy were legal in the U.S. today?
We also began reading Cry, the Beloved Country.  

You received progress reports.  If you had a very low grade, it was likely because you had zeroes on important assignments, namely writing assessments.  Here are the assessments we've done in class so far:

·       “Two Friends” Moral Courage Reader Response
o  Write about a time you or someone close to you showed true courage. Was it moral courage? Why or why not? Why is “Two Friends” a good example of moral courage? Use at least two specific details from the book to support your answer.

·       RAFT Of Mice and Men assignment
·       RAFT: Quiz Grade Chapter 1 / Choose One Topic

R: Role
A: Audience
F: Format
T: Topic
Aunt Clara
Write a letter from George to Aunt Clara explaining why it’s so much trouble to take care of Lennie.
Aunt Clara
Write a letter from Aunt Clara to George explaining why he should take care of Lennie anyway.
Dead Mouse
Dead Mouse
Dramatic Monologue
Write a short speech from the perspective of the dead mouse in Lennie’s pocket, describing his short journey with George and Lennie.

·      Of Mice and Men Robert Burns “To a Mouse” quote essay: Many people in the novel suffer from disappointment as they see their dreams destroyed.  Choose any three of the following characters and discuss what reasons they have to be disappointed about their life: Crooks, Curley, Curley’s wife, George, Candy, or Lennie.  How does the line from Burns’s poem, “The best laid plans of mice and men / Often go awry” apply to their lives?

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