Thursday, September 20, 2012

9.20.12 Reminders 10th Grade 5th Period

Today in class you gave your presentations on Steinbeck's Harvest Gypsy articles.  After the presentations, we read and analyzed Robert Burns's poem "To a Mouse. . ." and discussed how the central ideas of the poem parallel the central ideas in Of Mice and Men.

Finally, you wrote a short essay for the following prompt.  You were to finish the essay for homework and turn it in tomorrow.

Many people in the novel suffer from disappointment as they see their dreams destroyed.  Choose any three of the following characters and discuss what reasons they have to be disappointed about their life: Crooks, Curley, Curley’s wife, George, Candy, or Lennie.  How does the line from Burns’s poem, “The best laid plans of mice and men / Often go awry” apply to their lives?

Tomorrow you will also have a vocabulary quiz and we will begin viewing and analyzing the film Of Mice and Men.

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